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Want to up your TikTok strategy? Learn 46 different TikTok secret emoji codes and start using them to make your comments more interactive! They work exclusively in the TikTok app (iOS & Android). Keep in mind—they won’t work in captions or usernames, but they’ll definitely add personality to your conversations by using them in the comments!
Here’s a quick cheat sheet of all the hidden TikTok emojis. You can easily copy and paste the code of the emoji you want:
Emoji code | Secret emoji image | Emoji code | Secret emoji image | Emoji code | Secret emoji image |
[angel] | ![]() | [blink] | ![]() | [evil] | ![]() |
[angry] | ![]() | [complacent] | ![]() | [excited] | ![]() |
[astonish] | ![]() | [cool] | ![]() | [facewithrollingeyes] | ![]() |
[awkward] | ![]() | [cry] | ![]() | [funnyface] | ![]() |
[cute] | ![]() | [disdain] | ![]() | [greedy] | ![]() |
[drool] | ![]() | [embarrassed] | ![]() | [happy] | ![]() |
[hehe] | ![]() | [joyful] | ![]() | [laugh] | ![]() |
[laughwithtears] | ![]() | [loveface] | ![]() | [lovely] | ![]() |
[nap] | ![]() | [pride] | ![]() | [proud] | ![]() |
[rage] | ![]() | [scream] | ![]() | [shock] | ![]() |
[shout] | ![]() | [slap] | ![]() | [smile] | ![]() |
[smileface] | ![]() | [speechless] | ![]() | [stun] | ![]() |
[sulk] | ![]() | [surprised] | ![]() | [thinking] | ![]() |
[tears] | ![]() | [weep] | ![]() | [wicked] | ![]() |
[wow] | ![]() | [wronged] | ![]() | [yummy] | ![]() |
[flushed] | ![]() |
TikTok, like most social media platforms, uses the standard Unicode emoji set that has 3,790 emojis. However, these are only the standard emojis known to all TikTok users.
Not many people know that TikTok also has 46 hidden emojis that users can use in the comments by using certain codes.
These secret emojis on TikTok can make your comments stand out and help you engage with your audience in a fun, creative way!
Whether you want to drop a smirk TikTok emoji to tease a friend or express excitement with the hidden smile emoji, these icons bring a whole new level of expression to your posts.
In this guide, we’ll break down:
TikTok’s hidden emojis are a collection of secret emoticons that you can’t find in your regular emoji keyboard. Unlike the standard TikTok emojis, these exclusive icons are built directly into TikTok’s platform and can only be accessed using specific emoji codes inside square brackets.
For example, instead of selecting a smiley face from your keyboard, you’d type [smile]
into the comment box, and TikTok will automatically convert it into a unique emoji. These emojis have a distinct look—they’re colorful, playful, and perfectly suited for TikTok’s fun, expressive vibe!
While many people claim that TikTok secret emojis can be used in usernames and direct messages. The truth is that these secret emoji codes only work in the comment section.
You can significantly improve your presence on TikTok with secret emojis due to the following reasons:
Now that you know what these secret emojis are, let’s move on to how to use them like a pro!
The key thing to remember about using TikTok’s secret emojis is you can only use them in the comment section via the Android or iOS app. You cannot use them through the browser.
So, if you use TikTok via the mobile app, you’ll need to use special emoji codes enclosed in square brackets [ ]
When you type the correct code, TikTok will automatically convert it into the corresponding hidden emoji.
Here’s how you can unlock and use TikTok’s hidden emojis:
1. Open the TikTok app and go to the comments section.
2. Type the secret emoji code inside the square brackets. For example, if you want the wow emoji, you can type [wow].
3. As soon as you type the code, it will turn into the emoji.
Here’s a short video tutorial of how you can use TikTok secret emojis:
Note: While most secret emoji codes closely match their corresponding images, some have unexpected names. For example, to use the smirk emoji, you need to type [pride]
.This is the reason why it is important to go through the complete list of secret TikTok emoji commands.
Currently, there are 46 hidden TikTok emojis that allow you to express yourself in unique ways beyond standard keyboard options.
Simply type the codes below in square brackets via Android or iOS TikTok app like discussed in the previous section to make these special emojis appear in your TikTok comments and add extra personality to your interactions.
Let’s discuss the code and description of each TikTok hidden emoji one by one:
Express your innocent or angelic side with this heavenly secret emoji. This delightful symbol adds a touch of purity and sweetness to your comments when you want to appear virtuous.
Code: [angel]
Description: A smiling face with a halo, representing innocence, goodness, or an angelic nature.
Usage: Perfect for moments when you’ve done something good or want to appear innocent.
The angry emoji is one of the most popular TikTok secret emojis. It is used to show your frustration or displeasure. When words aren’t enough to convey your irritation, this powerful symbol perfectly captures that feeling of being annoyed or upset.
Code: [angry]
Description: A red face with furrowed brows and a frown depicting anger or irritation.
Usage: Use when expressing frustration, disagreement, or when something has annoyed you.
Convey your amazement with this wide-eyed expression. When something leaves you completely stunned or surprised beyond words, this emoji captures that jaw-dropping moment perfectly.
Code: [astonish]
Description: A face with wide open eyes and mouth, showing extreme surprise or astonishment.
Usage: Perfect for reactions to shocking news, unexpected plot twists, or mind-blowing content.
Express that uncomfortable feeling when things get weird. This emoji perfectly captures those moments when you don’t know what to say or how to react in an uncomfortable social situation.
Code: [awkward]
Description: A face with a crooked smile and uncertain expression, representing discomfort in social situations.
Usage: Ideal for cringe moments, uncomfortable silences, or when you don’t know how to respond.
Add a playful wink to your comments with this flirty emoji. It subtly conveys that you’re in on a joke or sharing a secret with your audience in a charming way.
Code: [blink]
Description: A face with one eye closed in a winking expression, suggesting playfulness or flirtation.
Usage: Great for flirty comments, inside jokes, or when implying something with a hint of mischief.
Show your satisfaction or smugness with this self-assured expression. When you’re feeling particularly content with yourself or a situation has turned out exactly as you predicted, this emoji says it all.
Code: [complacent]
Description: A face with a subtle smile and relaxed eyes, showing contentment or self-satisfaction.
Usage: Use when you’re feeling pleased with yourself or a situation has worked out exactly as expected.
Display your chill vibes with this ultra-cool emoji. This relaxed face exudes confidence and composure, perfect for showing that you’re unfazed by drama or simply appreciating something awesome.
Code: [cool]
Description: A face wearing sunglasses with a confident smile, representing a relaxed, carefree attitude.
Usage: Perfect for showing approval, admiration, or maintaining a laid-back presence.
Express sadness or emotional moments with this tearful emoji. When something touches your heart or brings you down, this emoji helps convey those tender feelings of sorrow.
Code: [cry]
Description: A face with closed eyes and tears streaming down, depicting sadness or emotional pain.
Usage: Suitable for sad content, touching moments, or expressing sympathy.
Add an adorable touch to your comments with this sweet expression. This endearing emoji helps convey innocence, sweetness, and charm when you encounter something that makes your heart melt.
Code: [cute]
Description: A blushing face with big eyes and a small smile, representing cuteness or shyness.
Usage: Ideal for reacting to adorable content, showing affection, or expressing bashfulness.
Show your contempt or disapproval with this judgmental expression. When something is beneath your standards or disappoints you, this emoji perfectly captures that feeling of looking down your nose.
Code: [disdain]
Description: A face with raised eyebrows and a slight frown, showing contempt or lack of respect.
Usage: Use when expressing disapproval, judgment, or when something is beneath your standards.
Express desire or hunger with this mouth-watering expression. Whether it’s delicious food or something you desperately want, this emoji shows your uncontrollable craving or longing.
Code: [drool]
Description: A face with saliva dripping from its mouth, representing desire, hunger, or extreme want.
Usage: Perfect for reacting to delicious food videos, attractive people, or desirable items.
Show your awkward discomfort with this blushing emoji. This red-faced expression captures those moments when you wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole.
Code: [embarrassed]
Description: A red-cheeked face with an uncomfortable expression, depicting embarrassment or shame.
Usage: Ideal for acknowledging mistakes, sharing embarrassing stories, or expressing secondhand embarrassment.
Display your mischievous side with this devilish expression. When you’re plotting something naughty or making a playfully sinister comment, this emoji hints at your less-than-angelic intentions.
Code: [evil]
Description: A face with a sinister smile and narrowed eyes, representing mischief or malicious intent.
Usage: Great for playful threats, planning pranks, or making jokes about revenge.
Show your enthusiasm with this energetic expression. When you can barely contain your anticipation or joy about something, this vibrant emoji perfectly captures that bubbling excitement.
Code: [excited]
Description: A face with a wide smile and sparkling eyes, depicting enthusiasm and anticipation.
Usage: Use when expressing eagerness, anticipation, or extreme happiness about something.
Express your exasperation with this eye-rolling reaction. When you encounter something ridiculous or worthy of your disdain, this emoji conveys your feelings without saying a word.
Code: [facewithrollingeyes]
Description: A face with eyes looking upward in a rolling motion, representing exasperation or disbelief.
Usage: Perfect for expressing disbelief, dismissing absurd statements, or reacting to overly dramatic content.
Add humor to your comments with this silly expression. This goofy face brings levity to any conversation and shows you’re not taking things too seriously with its cross-eyed charm.
Code: [funnyface]
Description: A face with crossed eyes and tongue sticking out, representing silliness or humor.
Usage: Ideal for joking around, not taking things seriously, or adding humor to your comments.
Show your desire for more with this money-loving expression. When luxury items or financial content makes you dream of wealth, this emoji captures that materialistic longing perfectly.
Code: [greedy]
Description: A face with dollar signs in its eyes, representing avarice or extreme desire for wealth.
Usage: Use when discussing expensive items, showing envy for possessions, or joking about money matters.
Express your joy with this classic smiling face. This simple but effective emoji conveys contentment and positivity when you’re feeling good or want to spread some cheer.
Code: [happy]
Description: A simple smiling face with upturned eyes, representing happiness and contentment.
Usage: Perfect for expressing general positivity, agreement, or good mood.
Add a mischievous chuckle to your comments with this playful expression. This slightly devious smile suggests you find something amusing in a subtle, knowing way that invites others to join in.
Code: [hehe]
Description: A face with a subtle, knowing smile suggesting a soft chuckle or light amusement.
Usage: Great for light-hearted teasing, acknowledging irony, or sharing mild amusement.
Show your extreme happiness with this radiant expression. When you’re practically bursting with positive feelings, this beaming emoji radiates the kind of happiness that’s impossible to contain.
Code: [joyful]
Description: A face with a wide smile and squinted eyes, representing pure joy and elation.
Usage: Ideal for expressing extreme happiness, celebrating good news, or showing excitement.
Express hearty amusement with this laughing emoji. When something genuinely tickles your funny bone, this emoji shows you’re truly amused and enjoying a good laugh.
Code: [laugh]
Description: A face with an open-mouthed smile and closed, happy eyes, depicting genuine laughter.
Usage: Perfect for funny content, jokes, or any situation that makes you laugh out loud.
Show how something made you cry from laughter with this emotional expression. For those moments when humor hits so hard you can’t help but tear up, this emoji captures that uncontrollable reaction.
Code: [laughwithtears]
Description: A face with tears streaming from the eyes while laughing, representing extreme amusement.
Usage: Use when something is so funny it brings you to tears or when expressing uncontrollable laughter.
Express your affection with this heart-eyed emoji. When something or someone captures your heart completely, this adoring expression shows your utter infatuation and intense admiration.
Code: [loveface]
Description: A face with hearts for eyes, representing love, adoration, or intense liking.
Usage: Perfect for expressing strong admiration, attraction, or enthusiasm for something or someone.
Show your sweet affection with this warm expression. This gentle emoji radiates tenderness and care, making it perfect for expressing soft, heartfelt emotions toward something precious.
Code: [lovely]
Description: A gentle smiling face with hearts floating around it, representing warmth and affection.
Usage: Ideal for expressing tender feelings, appreciation, or when something warms your heart.
Express your tiredness or boredom with this sleepy expression. When content fails to engage you or you’re simply exhausted, this drowsy emoji perfectly captures that “about to doze off” feeling.
Code: [nap]
Description: A face with closed eyes and a speech bubble with “Zzz,” representing sleepiness or boredom.
Usage: Use when content is boring, when you’re tired, or when suggesting something is putting you to sleep.
Show your confidence and self-assurance with this proud expression. When you’ve accomplished something noteworthy or feel particularly good about yourself, this emoji radiates that dignified satisfaction.
Code: [pride]
Description: A face with a confident smile and a slightly raised chin, representing self-pride or dignity.
Usage: Perfect for celebratory moments, accomplishments, or expressing self-confidence.
Express your sense of achievement with this accomplished emoji. This beaming expression shows the special kind of joy that comes from personal success or watching someone you care about excel.
Code: [proud]
Description: A beaming face with a broad smile and raised eyebrows, showing pride in oneself or others.
Usage: Ideal for congratulating others, sharing personal achievements, or expressing parental pride.
Show extreme anger with this furious expression. When your emotions reach boiling point and you need to express intense frustration, this emoji captures that feeling of being absolutely livid.
Code: [rage]
Description: A deeply red face with intense furrowed brows and gritted teeth, depicting extreme anger.
Usage: Use when expressing outrage, severe frustration, or when something has greatly angered you.
Express shock or fear with this horrified emoji. This dramatic face captures those moments of genuine alarm or terror when something completely catches you off guard in the most startling way.
Code: [scream]
Description: A face with wide open mouth and eyes, hands on cheeks, representing extreme fear or surprise.
Usage: Perfect for horror content, shocking revelations, or expressing intense fear or surprise.
Show your surprise with this startled expression. When information or content catches you completely off guard, this wide-eyed emoji perfectly captures that moment of sudden astonishment.
Code: [shock]
Description: A face with wide eyes and open mouth, representing sudden surprise or alarm.
Usage: Ideal for unexpected twists, surprising information, or expressing astonishment.
Express your need to be heard with this yelling emoji. Whether you’re excited, frustrated, or simply want to emphasize something important, this emoji conveys that you’re raising your voice to get attention.
Code: [shout]
Description: A face with an open mouth and hands cupped around it, as if shouting loudly.
Usage: Use when wanting to emphasize a point, express excitement, or trying to get attention.
React to facepalm moments with this exasperated gesture. When you encounter something so ridiculous or obvious that you can’t help but physically react, this emoji captures that perfect “I can’t believe this” moment.
Code: [slap]
Description: A face with a hand to the forehead, representing exasperation or disbelief.
Usage: Perfect for reacting to obvious mistakes, silly decisions, or moments of secondhand embarrassment.
Express simple happiness with this friendly expression. This classic, gentle smile conveys basic contentment and warmth, making it versatile for many positive interactions online.
Code: [smile]
Description: A classic smiling face with slightly raised cheeks, representing friendliness and positivity.
Usage: Ideal for general positivity, friendly interactions, or expressing contentment.
Show your genuine happiness with this warm smile. Unlike a casual or polite smile, this emoji radiates authentic joy from deep within, showing true pleasure or contentment.
Code: [smileface]
Description: A face with a broad, genuine smile and slightly closed eyes, showing true happiness.
Usage: Use when expressing sincere happiness, warm feelings, or genuine appreciation.
Express your loss for words with this dumbfounded reaction. When content leaves you completely stunned or unable to formulate a response, this blank-faced emoji perfectly captures that wordless moment.
Code: [speechless]
Description: A face with wide eyes and no mouth, representing being at a loss for words.
Usage: Perfect for responding to outrageous content, shocking statements, or when you simply don’t know what to say.
Show your complete amazement with this stunned expression. When something is so impressive or shocking that you’re left momentarily frozen, this jaw-dropped emoji captures that feeling of being utterly floored.
Code: [stun]
Description: A face with a dropped jaw and wide eyes, representing complete shock or amazement.
Usage: Ideal for reacting to mind-blowing content, unbelievable skills, or shocking revelations.
Express your disappointment with this pouting emoji. When things don’t go your way or you’re feeling slightly dejected, this pouty expression conveys that mild feeling of discontent and dissatisfaction.
Code: [sulk]
Description: A face with a pronounced pout and downcast eyes, representing sulking or disappointment.
Usage: Use when expressing disappointment, not getting your way, or playfully showing you’re upset.
Show your astonishment with this classic surprised face. When something catches you off guard in a moderate way, this expression conveys that moment of unexpected revelation without the intensity of shock.
Code: [surprised]
Description: A face with raised eyebrows and an open O-shaped mouth, representing surprise.
Usage: Perfect for unexpected content, surprising information, or expressing general astonishment.
Express contemplation with this thoughtful reaction. When you’re pondering something deeply or considering different perspectives, this emoji shows you’re taking time to process information carefully.
Code: [thinking]
Description: A face with a finger to its chin and a thoughtful expression, representing contemplation.
Usage: Ideal for expressing consideration, pondering a question, or indicating you’re thinking about something.
Show your embarrassment or awkwardness with this heated expression. When you’re caught off guard or feel uncomfortable, this rosy-cheeked emoji perfectly captures that moment of sudden self-consciousness.
Code: [flushed]
Description: A face with wide eyes and reddened cheeks, representing embarrassment, awkwardness, or being flustered.
Usage: Use when you’re surprised, embarrassed, or when something makes you blush from discomfort or awkwardness.
Express deep sadness with this weeping emoji. When emotions run high and you’re truly moved to tears, this expressive face conveys profound sorrow or being deeply touched by something poignant.
Code: [tears]
Description: A face with multiple tears streaming down, representing deep sadness or grief.
Usage: Perfect for deeply sad content, expressing sympathy, or showing you’re very moved emotionally.
Show intense emotion with this sobbing expression. This powerful emoji conveys the kind of overwhelming feelings that lead to uncontrollable crying, whether from grief, despair, or being profoundly moved.
Code: [weep]
Description: A face with closed eyes and streams of tears, representing sobbing or intense crying.
Usage: Ideal for expressing intense sadness, grief, or being deeply moved by something emotional.
Display your devious side with this mischievous expression. When you’re feeling particularly cunning or planning something sneaky, this sly smile hints at your crafty intentions with playful malice.
Code: [wicked]
Description: A face with a sly smile and narrowed eyes, representing mischief or cunning.
Usage: Great for suggesting pranks, sharing devious plans, or playfully indicating bad intentions.
Express amazement with this classic exclamation. When something genuinely impresses or astounds you, this emphatic emoji highlights your reaction with its explicit “WOW” caption for maximum impact.
Code: [wow]
Description: A face with wide eyes and an open mouth, with “WOW” appearing above it, emphasizing amazement.
Usage: Perfect for expressing genuine amazement, reacting to impressive content, or showing awe.
Show your sense of injustice with this victimized expression. When you feel unfairly treated or misunderstood, this dejected face conveys that sense of being unjustly accused or mistreated by others.
Code: [wronged]
Description: A face with downturned eyes and a frown, representing feeling unfairly treated.
Usage: Use when expressing that you’ve been treated unfairly, misunderstood, or unjustly accused.
Express delight over delicious content with this satisfied expression. Whether reacting to actual food or metaphorically to something enjoyable, this lip-licking emoji conveys pure sensory pleasure and appreciation.
Code: [yummy]
Description: A face with closed eyes and tongue-licking lips, representing enjoyment of food or delicious things.
Usage: Ideal for food content, expressing culinary delight, or metaphorically describing something as delicious.
While TikTok has its own set of hidden emojis, some standard emojis have taken on unique meanings within the platform’s culture.
These symbols often evolve into viral trends, inside jokes, or secret codes understood by the TikTok community.
Let’s decipher some of these emojis:
The chair emoji (🪑) is one of the most viral TikTok emoji trends. It started in early August when TikTok user Anthony Mai (@blank.antho) encouraged people to use the chair emoji instead of the traditional laughing emoji to indicate something funny.
This quickly became an inside joke, spreading across TikTok and beyond. If you see users commenting with chair emojis, they’re essentially laughing at something.
Often used as a playful or suggestive reference, the brain emoji replaces certain other symbols in conversations. Be mindful of its context before using it.
Used to imply that something is foolish, embarrassing, or self-deprecating. It can also mock someone acting ridiculous.
Represents shyness, nervousness, or hesitation—often used in flirty or awkward interactions.
Symbolizes deep romantic love and passion. If someone sends you this emoji, they likely have strong feelings for you.
Often used to show platonic love, support, or excitement—especially in friendships or fandoms.
A popular replacement for “LOL” or “I’m dead,” indicating extreme laughter.
Represents friendship and is commonly used between best friends.
Often associated with admiration, physical attraction, or K-pop fandoms.
Used to express a love for nature, sustainability, or eco-friendly causes.
TikTok’s culture is constantly evolving, and emoji meanings change based on trends, influencers, and viral challenges. Using these emojis correctly can help you engage with TikTok’s community, understand the latest trends, and even make your content more relatable.
Related: 210+ popular social media acronyms and slang you should know
TikTok’s hidden emojis add a fun and unique touch to your comments, making your content stand out.
Whether you’re using the smirk emoji for attitude or the excited emoji to show enthusiasm, these secret codes can help you express yourself creatively. Now that you have the full list, try them out and surprise your followers!
Want to level up your TikTok game even further? Combine these emojis with scheduled posts and smart content strategies using ContentStudio to keep your audience engaged effortlessly.
Plan, schedule, share, and analyze content for 15+ social media channels.
Try ContentStudio for FREETikTok emoji codes are short commands enclosed in square brackets (e.g., [smile]
) that generate hidden emojis when typed in the comments or captions.
To unlock TikTok’s hidden emojis, simply type the specific emoji code inside square brackets (e.g., [joyful]
), and TikTok will automatically display the emoji.
Currently, there are 46 secret TikTok emojis, each with a unique code that you can use to enhance your messages.
You need to type the exact emoji code inside square brackets, such as [pride]
for the smirk emoji or [laughwithtears]
for a laughing emoji.
You can copy and paste the emoji codes directly from a TikTok emoji cheat sheet (like the one in this article) and use them in your comments or captions.
Secret TikTok emojis are special emojis that aren’t available in the standard emoji keyboard. They can only be accessed using their respective text-based codes inside square brackets.
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